Oh does they...

Does grammar really matter?

What would have to be done to add to the president's credibility at this point?

via room 226


7 Responses to Oh does they...

  1. Captain_Phantom Says:
    I think our president has restored credibility, if not that at least respect. What I am referring to is the ceremony for the Dali Lama. That single event restored my faith in Bush.
  2. Matthew English Says:
    I am not sure what event you are referring to? Please post a link or give me / us a concrete description.
  3. Captain_Phantom Says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  4. Captain_Phantom Says:

    That is the address, however I do not understand the method of making it a link.

    I also put a space between the templates and the / so it would fit.
  5. Eris Says:
    It would take more than a meeting with the Dali Lama to restore faith in the president. While that meeting was a nice photo op, I have to wonder how concerned he is about whether or not "childrens do learn" when he won't fully fund NCLB or SCHIP to keep them healthy enough to go to school.

    To answer your question, he would have to fundamentally change his policies so they reflected actual concern for the vast majority of Americans - not just the extreme right or ultra-wealthy.
  6. jscobia Says:
    Bush began his presidency with a 90% approval rating from the people of America. As of 10/25/07, it has gone down to 33%. Betwen then and now... it's been a downhill slope.


    The numbers speak for themselves... I don't think Bush could redeem himself at this point, even if he finally started trying.
  7. apyknowzitall Says:
    I love the Daily Show...

    I honestly don't think there is anything Pres can do at this point. Perhaps do a complete pull out of Iraq, but we all know that isn't going to happen anytime soon. I just have to settle for the fact that whenever I see a clip such as this one, I just shake my head, laugh and think about how kooky he is.